University of Tasmania
140410 - Hidden supersymmetry and quadratic deformations of the space-time conformal superalgebra - ArXiv.pdf (357.25 kB)

Hidden supersymmetry and quadratic deformations of the space-time conformal superalgebra

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-05-20, 16:56 authored by Luke YatesLuke Yates, Peter JarvisPeter Jarvis
We analyze the structure of the family of quadratic superalgebras, introduced in Jarvis et al (2011 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 235205), for the quadratic deformations of N  =  1 space-time conformal supersymmetry. We characterize in particular the 'zero-step' modules for this case. In such modules, the odd generators vanish identically, and the quadratic superalgebra is realized on a single irreducible representation of the even subalgebra (which is a Lie algebra). In the case under study, the quadratic deformations of N  =  1 space-time conformal supersymmetry, it is shown that each massless positive energy unitary irreducible representation (in the standard classification of Mack), forms such a zero-step module, for an appropriate parameter choice amongst the quadratic family (with vanishing central charge). For these massless particle multiplets therefore, quadratic supersymmetry is unbroken, in that the supersymmetry generators annihilate all physical states (including the vacuum state), while at the same time, superpartners do not exist.


Publication title

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical





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School of Natural Sciences


Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.

Place of publication

United Kingdom

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